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Alayne Joy

Why creating a space for my "personal brand" was so important...

and why the timing has never been better.

One thing that has always rung true for me is that plans change, but design does not. This is why I haven't ever loved setting goals- for me, it's too restrictive and doesn't leave room for change.

As a young 20 year old, my best friends and I would get together for "goal setting". During these hang outs, I realized that I was spending more time perfecting my bubble letter headings on the goal sheet, than I was on thinking up actual goals for myself. I tried to force it, but started to dread these sessions because I felt like the odd one out- unable and uninterested in setting goals amongst friends that seemed to find it so easy.

Doing what feels right, at the right time.

It's not that I'm unmotivated, or lack clarity, nor is it that I don't have a plan- I always know what I want and what I want to accomplish, but the actual act of writing down a specific list of goals- it's not for me. I like to figure things out as I go and do what feels best at the time.

Right now, creating this place,, this personal brand, feels right.

Building the Empire

In 2014, I started Apostle Boutique - an online jewelry boutique that houses a number of Designers (most of whom are Canadian) in one place. Apostle provides an easy to shop, reliable and trustworthy location for people that love a feminine, versatile and classic style.

From the first days of creating the Apostle business model, it was my intention that Apostle would be a starting place for the things I wanted to do. Retail was a world that I was familiar with, but ecommerce gave me the challenge that I needed, all while allowing me to be at home with my two young boys.

Holding on to the plan with a loose grip, allowing things to evolve and grow in a natural, fluid way.

As the years went on, I joked that I was building an Empire, knowing that when the time was right, I would evolve and grow. I didn't know exactly what my Empire would look like, but I knew that there was more to my design.

Come 2019 I launched Cover Story Styling - a Personal Shopping and Styling business in Calgary that helps women discover their personal style and teaches them how to showcase that through the things they wear.

Cover Story is such a great combination of what I love (style), what I'm passionate about (helping women feel amazing), and an extension of my experience with Apostle. Considering all of these things, the launch of Cover Story was a logical and exciting next step.

But my vision continues to expand and grow.

A little more me, and a little less business

While continuing with both Apostle Boutique and Cover Story Styling, I wanted to create a "home base" that is a little more me, and a little less business. You see, both of my businesses have a brand, these brands are essentially an extension of myself, but they also have their own identity- they are similar, yet different. AlayneJoy is what people call a "personal brand", in other words, it's all me baby! is the home base, the umbrella, for not only the 2 businesses, but it's where I can come to share about things not necessarily related to jewelry or fashion. Here I can share my love and interest for home decor, skin & hair care, family adventures, cooking tips (which will be limited, because I'm not a fan of cooking- but if I have something that's really great, like my zucchini blueberry muffins, I'll share it here)...anything and everything! And really, that's the point of this- to share the things that I love with my community.

That's the point of this- to share the things that I love with my community.

Everything I do here is an authentic representation of who I am. This is a place outside of social media, where I have freedom to truly customize every aspect- from the colours on the website, to the topics I write about, and the life experiences I's all done with thought and intention.

While "goal setting" in a physical, written down sense, has never been my thing, moving forward in a thoughtful and purposeful way is definitely my thing. I don't believe in being stagnant, but I believe in always growing and always improving. Decisions are made with a lot of consideration and prayer, and I only move forward when I feel that I'm heading in the right direction at the right time.

Moving forward with thought and purpose, when the time is right.

A Personal Brand

This place feels like home, it feels like a place where I am free to be me, and I hope you can sense that. I hope that AlayneJoy is a place where you find value, insight and maybe a laugh here and there. I want to share things with you because I LOVE to talk about the things that work for me and my family, in hopes that maybe it'll work for you too.

I appreciate the community that surrounds me, both in person and online, and I want to continue to nurture these relationships outside of social media. Because really, while social media is great, it's also limited and unreliable. Remember MySpace? Ya...I hardly do either. The social media platform that's popular now, will be obsolete soon, and as I get older, I just might not be able to keep up! :)

A personal brand is an important stepping stone to continued growth, change and evolution.

This "personal brand" is an important stepping stone to allowing that continued growth to take shape, and I felt like this was the time to do it. One of my life mottos is "just start", and simply, starting AlayneJoy just makes sense.

While I continue to move Apostle and Cover Story forward and to grow those businesses, I also plan to be here, in every way. Creating, communicating and sharing, all while being open to every opportunity.

What do you want to hear about?

If you want to keep up to date about the things I share and the ways (or potential ways) that I evolve, I'll be here, writing posts like this. When I write something new, I send out an email to everyone on the list- and I'd love for you to be on the list! There's a place for you at the Alayne Joy table!

- Simply scroll to the bottom of this page, and put in your email address.

Like I always say on social media, I want to know what your questions are, and what you're curious about. If there's a question you have about me, a product or service you're curious about, or maybe it's a new restaurant, or you want to know my favorite skin care products, let me know! I'm willing to try almost anything at least once, and I'm an open book! Feel free to send me an email, message me on Instagram, or comment here.

But, if you want more, I'd love if you found me on social media and interacted there too!



It's not all about my love for fashion and passion for helping men & women feel their best. From my family, to love for creating a home that everyone feels comfortable in, and the pull to always be near the water (which is tough when you live in the prairies)...



Personalized and joy-filled styling services to help you define what style means to you. 



Do you own a fashion, home, or lifestyle business in the Calgary area? Let's collaborate so more people can learn about the services you provide!


Thanks for submitting!


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© 2022 Alayne Joy.

Site proudly created by CaRli Baum.

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